Airscape - The Fall Of Gravity Download

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Airscape - or to give it its formal name, Airscape: The Fall of Gravity- is action platformer with gravity shifts and strange physics. It also just happens to cast you in the role of a dumbo. Airscape: the Fall of Gravity tries to expand on the platformer genre, but ignores the foundation of a good camera system and it just dooms the game for me. I can’t recommend a game that I physically can’t play and for a game to bother me this bad compared to all the FPS I’ve played over the years says a lot.

Airscape: The Fall of Gravity is a charming action platformer about an octopus in a dangerous world that has some serious issues with the fundamental laws of gravity.

Captured from its underwater home by a mechanical alien race, you must journey through a strange and disorienting environment where gravity follows the contours of the land and blobs of water float suspended in the air.

The Alpha demo includes the first two zones of the game, including six levels and the prologue, and offers up some well crafted gravity-defying platforming fun, as well as some very cool swimming elements (you are an octopus after all!). As every piece of land in the game has it’s own gravity, you’re able to jump Super Mario Galaxy-style from landmass to landmass. It’s a fun mechanic that’s used well, especially once the floating water masses are brought into play.

Airscape: The Fall of Gravity is shaping up to be an excellent platformer, fully of joy, charm and innovative level design. 8 legs of awesome.


Airscape The Fall Of Gravity Walkthrough

Visit the Official Website HERE


Airscape The Fall Of Gravity

Download the Alpha Demo, free through Steam HERE (It’s not fully optimised yet, so even powerful PC’s may have to turn the graphical settings down)