Stellaris: Complete Soundtrack For Mac

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From Paradox Development Studio’s original sci-fi title, Stellaris, comes the original soundtrack composed by Andreas Waldetoft including performances by the Brandenburg State Orchestral. Stellaris: megacorp features include: Corporate Culture: Chief Executive Officers of a MegaCorp can conduct business on a galaxy-wide scale with a host of new civics. By building Branch Offices on planets within empires they have trade agreements with, the MegaCorp can add a portion of the planet’s Trade Value to their own network.

Stellaris is a 4X grand video game with strategy factors. It was developed and proclaimed by Paradox Interactive. Stellaris’ gameplay relates to space exploration, diplomacy, managing an empire, and space warfare with other civilizations. It was launched worldwide for OS X, Windows, and Linux on May 9, 2016.


  • 2 Stellaris console commands
Stellaris: complete soundtrack for mac torrent


In the gameplay, players control of a species in the early stages of interstellar space navigation, after the invention of faster-than-light spaceship technology. Based on several factors such as the ethics of the civilization and the player’s preferences, the ultimate target of the empire is able to range from galactic conquest, technological supremacy, and hoarding of resources, to the peaceful existence or absolute elimination of all sentient life. The player guides ships, including construction, science, and military vessels. Combat includes space and ground combat and it focuses more on the bigger factors like preparation and strategy. There are also diplomatic choices such as alliances and trades with other races.

After a brief introduction about the game, now we move to the main part of it – Stellaris console commands.

Stellaris console commands

Stellaris console commands for PCs:

  • help– See a series of provided Stellaris console commands
  • Cash [amount]– Add [amount] cash
  • Engineering [amount]– Add [amount] engineering points
  • Minerals [amount]– Add [amount] minerals
  • Influence [amount]– Add [amount] influence
  • Physics 50000– Add physics
  • Society [amount]– Add [amount] society
  • add_trait_species– Add trait (for example: add_trait_species human intelligent)
  • Instant_Build– Open instant build
  • research_technologies– Unlock all technologies
  • Resource [resource] [amount]– Add [amount] of specific [resource]
  • Skills [amount]– Add [amount] of skills to the leader
  • invincible– Invincibility turns on
  • Damage [amount]– Pick up ship suffering [amount] damage
  • Crash– Crashes the game
  • Ftl– Activate/deactivate infinite Ftl
  • Contact– Activate/deactivate all contact
  • [Selected Planet] populate– Fills entire free slots on the chosen planet with pop
  • Survey– Survey all planets
  • Techuptade– Restart tech tree
  • overnight– Prepare for the overnight session

Stellaris commands on Windows, Mac, and Linux (Several Stellaris console commands):

Stellaris console commands – NameStellaris console commands – SyntaxStellaris console commands -Description
3dstats3dstatsThis command will toggle (on or off) the 3DStats feature. When it is enabled, your FPS and render time will appear on your screen.
achievement_statusachievement_statusThis command will print the current achievement situation for you to the console.
activate_all_traditionsactivate_all_traditionsThis command immediately activates perks for you.
activate_ascension_perkactivate_ascension_perk [ascension perk id]This command runs the specified rising perk.
activate_traditionactivate_tradition [tradition id]This command runs the specified tradition.
add_anomalyadd_anomaly [anomaly category]This command provides an anomaly category for the planet selected in-game by you.
add_ethic_popadd_ethic_pop [population id] [ethic id]This command provides the specified ethic to the specific population.
add_opinionadd_opinion [source id] [target id] [opinion amount]This command can be added or removed (remove by negative number) idea from one empire to another.
add_popsadd_pops [species id] [planet id]This command populates a whole planet with all the specific species.
add_shipadd_ship [ship name]This command is used to spawn a fleet of the specific ship.
add_trait_leaderadd_trait_leader [leader id] [trait id]This command adds the particular trait to the head with the specific ID. Use ‘debugtooltip’ to look for leader IDs.
add_trait_speciesadd_trait_species [species id] [trait id]This command adds the specific trait to the species with the unique ID.
advanced_galaxyadvanced_galaxyThis command helps every default empire get fleets, colonies, and technologies (mimics the 2400 game).
aiaiThis command turns on or off AI.
ai_anomaliesai_anomaliesThis command turns on or off AI-only anomalies for human empires.
alienfxalienfxIf you face an alien case, this command will attempt to conjugate with AlienFX (changing computer lights).
ambient_objectambient_object [object id]This command is used to spawn an ambient object with a specific ID.
attackallfleetsattackallfleetsThis command leads all fleets to be under your control.
audio.playeffectaudio.playeffect [effect name]This command is used to play a specific soundtrack.
audio.setactivegroupaudio.setactivegroup [group name]This command permits you to set an active audio set.
berserk_aiberserk_aiThis command sets all AI aggression to 10 (make them become extremely aggressive).
blend_post_effectblend_post_effect [setting] [time] [mode]This command is used to blend into a new post effect with the specific type, mode, and transition duration.
bordersbordersThis command helps you calculate your map borders, then prints them to your console.
cashcash [amount]This command adds the specific amount of energy to your own energy credits amount.
casusbellicasusbelli [casus belli id] [empire id]This command initiates the Casus Belli with the specific ID.
check_savecheck_saveThis command will check whether the saving is still working. It makes 2 save files and check if they are similar – if not, it means a problem occurs with your saving feature.
clear_debug_linesclear_debug_linesThis command discharges any ‘debug lines from your screen.
clear_debug_stringsclear_debug_stringsThis command deletes any debug strings.
collisioncollisionThis command turns on or off the collision box’s display in the game.
colonizecolonize [population id]This command will colonize the planet you already have chosen with the ID’s population.
communicationscommunications [empire id]If conducted with an argument (an empire ID), this will turn on or off the communication with the specific empire. If not, this will turn on/off communications with all game empires.
contactcontactThis command provides contact to all empires available in the game.
controlcontrol [planet id]This command permits you to immediately occupy the planet with the specific ID.
copy_popcopy_pop [population id]This command will mimic the population with the specific ID to your selected planet.
crashcrashIt will crash your game if you enter it to the console.
create_navycreate_navy [percentage]This command will make a naval fleet with approximately 100% of your naval capacity.
create_megastructurecreate_megastructure [megastructure id]This command will make a megastructure with the specific ID.
damagedamageThis command leads the ship you already have selected to take damage.
debug_achievementsdebug_achievementsThis command will remove all achievements you gained.
debug_achievements_cleardebug_achievements_clearThis command is used to debug achievements. It may clear all your achievements you have gained.
nomennomenThis will make all empires (AI-controlled) to disagree to any proposals or deals.
yesmenyesmenThis will make all empires (AI-controlled) to agree to any deals or proposals.
debuglinesdebuglinesThis command turns on or off debug lines.
debugtexturedebugtexture [texture name] [transparency] [alpha channel]This command is used to debug textures (check argument information for any helps).
debugtooltipdebugtooltipThis command will turn on/off debug tooltips, which show things like planet IDs, population IDs, etc. when you hover over things in your gameplay.
democratic_electiondemocratic_electionThis command will begin the upcoming democratic vote.
depositsdepositsThis command will print deposit statistics to the console.
effecteffectThis command carries out the specific effect script.
electionelectionThis command will start the upcoming ruler vote.
engineeringengineering [amount]This command provides you with the specific amount of engineering points. Give a negative value to delete engineering points.
errorerrorThis command will print errors to the game console and log.
eventevent [event id] [empire id]This command begins an event with the specific ID in the specific empire.
eventscopeseventscopesThis command will print the scope trees of the event in the console window.
eventstatseventstatsThis command will print data about events running to the console window.
factions.showallfactionsfactions.showallfactionsThis command will print all factions in the game with statistics for each of them.
factions.showattractionfactions.showattractionThis command will print all factions with attraction levels.
factions.spawnallfactions.spawnallThis command will not run until the game has 10 years old. When being executed, this command will spawn entire factions to the game.
fast_forwardfast_forward [days]This command skips forward the specific number of game days.
filewatcherfilewatcherThis command turn on/off filewatcher.
finish_researchfinish_researchThis command immediately finishes all processing research.
finish_special_projectsfinish_special_projectsThis command immediately finishes all unique processing projects.
foodfood [amount]This command gives the specific amount of food to you. Type a negative value to remove it.
force_integrateforce_integrate [empire id]This command makes the empire with the specific ID to engage in your empire.
free_governmentfree_governmentThis command turns on/off the time limit not to let you change governments too soon after another.
free_policiesfree_policiesThis command turns on/off your ability to change policy without restrictions.
ftlftlThis command turns on/off faster than light travel.
fullscreenfullscreenThis command turns on/off fullscreen mode.
game_overgame_over [victory type]This command ends the game with domination (0), federation (1), or conquest (2).
gfxculturegfxculture [culture id]This command is used to exchange your empire’s culture outlook.
gotogoto [x] [y]This command moves your camera to X and Y coordinates.
grow_popsgrow_pops [growth rate]This command will increase the growth rate of the planet’s population you currently have chosen in-game.
guiboundsguiboundsThis command will show bounds around GUI elements on your screen.
hdrhdrThis command turns on/off the graphics for high-dynamic-range rendering.
helphelp [command]If this command carries out with no arguments, this will provide a list of all Stellaris console commands. If there are arguments, this command will print helps relating to specific commands.
hsvhsvThis command switches HSV to RGB.
human_aihuman_aiThis command turn on/off AI for humans.
influenceinfluence [amount]This command will credit you with a specific amount of points.
infoinfoThis command turn on/off debug information.
instant_buildinstant_buildThis command makes all building (including ships, stations, upgrades, etc.) to be completed immediately without time-consuming. This command effect may be applied to everything in the game, so you should pause your game before using it.
intelintel [low / high]This command changes the intel level of your discovered space (0 for low, 1 for high).
invincibleinvincibleThis command hinds all of your ships (invincible) to avoid damage.
kill_countrykill_country [empire id]This command destroys your current empire if no ID is given, so that you must the ID of a empire to kill it.
kill_leaderkill_leader [leader id]This command kills the commander with the specific ID.
kill_popkill_pop [population id]This command kills the population with the specific ID.
kill_rulerkill_ruler [population]This command kills the ruler with the specific ID.
lockcameralockcameraThis command turns on/off the locking of the camera. If the camera is locked, it will not run from its position until being unlocked.

TweakerGUI Command:

draw.asteroidsOn/off rendering of asteroid belts.Nonetweakergui draw.asteroids
draw.backgroundOn/off rendering of the background space texture.Nonetweakergui draw.background
draw.bordersOn/off rendering of border colors and icons.Nonetweakergui draw.borders
draw.centerOn/off rendering of the galaxy center glow.Nonetweakergui
draw.clustersOn/off rendering of white circles in the galaxy map.Nonetweakergui draw.clusters
draw.combatdebuglinesOn/off rendering of lines during combat showing ship’s targets. A line also shows ship’s place before fighting.Nonetweakergui draw.combatdebuglines
draw.dustOn/off rendering of the galaxy dust.Nonetweakergui draw.dust
draw.greenscreenOn/off rendering a green screen behind the background. Turning of the background will give you a greenscreened game using for videos. Use line draw.navigationarrows and.systemlines.Nonetweakergui draw.greenscreen
draw.hyperlanesOn/off rendering of hyperlanes.Nonetweakergui draw.hyperlanes
draw.namesOn/off rendering of empire and nebula names on the map.Nonetweakergui draw.names
draw.navigationarrowsOn/off rendering of the arrows and names towards neighbors of the system.Nonetweakergui draw.navigationarrows
draw.nebulaOn/off rendering of nebulas on the map.Nonetweakergui draw.nebula
draw.neighborsOn/off rendering of cyan and yellow lines in the starmap. Cyan lines are made from a system to its nearby systems. Yellow lines classified the map into cells, each beloning to a system.Nonetweakergui draw.neighbors
draw.objectsOn/off rendering of ships, stars, stations, planets, and arrows towards nearby systems.Nonetweakergui draw.objects

Removed commands:


List of resources:

ResourcesID for tilesID for depositsDescription
Physics Researchphysics_researchd_physics_depositphysics_research
Society Researchsociety_researchd_society_depositsociety_research
Engineering Researchengineering_researchd_engineering_depositengineering_research
Strategic resources
Terraforming Gasessr_terraform_gasesd_terraforming_gas_deposit_1The cost of terraforming: -25%
Terraforming Liquidssr_terraform_liquidsd_terraforming_fluid_deposit_1The cost of terraforming: -25%
Garanthium Oresr_garanthiumd_garanthium_deposit_1Ship health: +10%
Lythuric Gassr_lythuricd_lythuric_deposit_1Increase the capacity of the engine thrust
Engos Vaporsr_engosd_engos_deposit_1Adaptability +5%
Teldar Crystalssr_teldard_teldar_deposit_1Kinetic weapon damage: +15%
Aldar Crystalssr_aldard_aldar_deposit_1Explosive weapon damage: +20%
Pitharan Dustsr_pitharand_pitharan_deposit_1Food production: +10%
Orillium Oresr_orilliumd_orillium_deposit_1Explosive weapon damage: +15%
Satramene Gassr_satramened_satramene_deposit_1Attractiveness of guidelines: +10%
Neutronium Oresr_neutroniumd_neutronium_deposit_1Armor: +20%
Zrosr_zrod_zro_deposit_1bonus to superluminal speed, radius of sensors, decrease the cost of seeing the cover
Dark Mattersr_dark_matterd_dark_matter_deposit_1Physical research: +20%
Yurantic Crystalssr_yuranticd_yurantic_deposit_1Energy weapon damage: +15%
Living Metalsr_living_metald_living_metal_depositbonus armor, and monthly recovery of ships hull
Distant Stars DLC resources
Available only with the Distant StarsDLC enabled.
Gray Dustsr_distar_nanodustd_nanodust_deposit+15% terraformation speed, -15% terraformation cost
Gray Crystalssr_distar_nanocrystald_nanocrystal_depositWeapon damage +10%
Gray Scalessr_distar_nanoscaled_nanoscale_depositFood production +20%
Gray Actuatorsr_distar_nanoactuatord_nanoactuator_depositResearch speed +10%
Enclave resourcesavailable through commerce with the trader enclaves
Riggan Spicesr_rigganHappiness: +5%
XuraGelsr_xuranAdaptability +5%
Muutagan Crystalssr_muutaganAttractiveness of guidelines: +10%
Local resourcesavailable on planet tiles
Alien Petssr_alien_petsN/AAllows you to build an alien zoo
Betharian Stonesr_betharianN/AYou can build a batarian power plant (10+ energy production)

Stellaris For Free

List of ship design:

Starfangalien destroyer
Persistentalien huge destroyer
Swordalien cruiser
Divine Glorycultist battleship
Protectornomad destroyer
Nomad Cruisernomad cruiser
Cloud Entityvoid cloud
Corsairpirate destroyer
Black Earlpirate cruiser
Pirate GalleonOld Guard
Ancient Mining Dronemining drone miner
Ancient Combat Dronemining drone corvette
Ancient Destroyermining drone destroyer
Great Space Organismspace amoeba
DS47lighting space probe
Sentrysensor station
Vigilsentinel station
Origo Orecrystal prism

NOTICE: Activation key mustbe used on a valid Steam account. Requires an internetconnection.

Stellaris Galaxy Edition includes:
Original Soundtrack with 140 minutes of music
The Stellaris soundtrack delivers two and a half hours of originalmusic, including bonus tracks and alternate versions not includedin the game. Composed by Andreas Waldetoft with appearances by theBrandenburg State Orchestra, listeners will hear themes meant toevoke discovery and far-reaching exploration through the vastexpanse of space through the fusion of orchestral and electronicmusic. MP3 and lossless FLAC are included.
Exclusive alien race (cosmetic DLC)
Exclusive 130-page Digital Collector’s Book
Join the creative team behind Stellaris to learn how the game'saesthetic design was designed and realized for Paradox's mostvisually unique game to date. From concept art all the way throughfull illustrations and 3D renderings, this book includes acollection of game art unavailable anywhere else -- along withinsight into the thoughts and research that drove these designs,the problems the team faced along the way, and the ways theyfinally brought these visuals to life.
Stellaris: Infinite Frontiers novel by Steven Savile(ebook)
From best-selling author Steven Savile comes an original novelbased on the science-fiction setting of Paradox's Stellaris. Whenthe Commonwealth of Man receives proof that they are not alone inthe universe, humanity is divided: should our species seeksalvation in potential friends among the stars, or prepare for aninevitable war? What discoveries await the colony ship as theyjourney into the unknown to find the source of a mysterious aliensignal? Download and read on epub, mobi (Kindle) and PDF.
Exclusive Avatar and Forum Icon Galaxy
Show your love for Stellaris on the Paradox Forums and other socialnetworks, and Make MySpace Great Again!
Signed Wallpaper

Stellaris: Complete Soundtrack For Macbeth

Pay your respects to the pioneers who ventured forth into theunknown with this desktop wallpaper signed by the Stellarisdevelopment team.

about the game

Stellaris brings Paradox Interactive's grand strategy excellenceto the stars, along with a whole host of paid and free expansioncontent. As longtime Paradox fans might know, the publisher has areputation for launching games that start out sparse, before beingmore fully fleshed out with a range of free and paid DLCexpansions, and Stellaris is no different.

Stellaris Song

What began as a barebones experience on launch has sincematured, with a broad range of expansion content, from theworld-cracking superweapons of the Apocalypse expansion to thestellar megastructures such as Dyson Spheres and Ringworlds of theUtopia DLC. More story-focused content such as the Distant Starsand Leviathans content packs add new quest chains and stellarevents, giving the galactic grand strategy game an extra layer ofnarrative, complete with powerful new opponents and game-changingevents.

Stellaris's latest expansion, Ancient Relics continues in thatsame vibe, adding new mechanics to shake up the meta and provideeven jaded galactic rulers with new content and event chains toexplore in their quest for galactic dominance. The expansion packincludes said ancient relics, as well as a new archaeologysubsystem that rewards dynamic exploration with your empire'sscience vessels. Minor relics can be spent to unlock boosts andedicts that can empower your empire, while major relics, acquiredthrough archaeology, quest chains, or defeating legendary foes,provide powerful boosts for your empire, if you're willing to paythe steep cost to activate them.

Stellaris Vinyl Soundtrack

Ancient Relics also includes two new Precursor civilizationswhose fates players can uncover: the Baol, a sprawling hivemind ofplant beings, and the powerful Zro psychics. Players caninvestigate the traces they left throughout the galaxy, and unlocktheir hidden homeworlds to learn more about these ancientcivilizations and their demise.

Youtube Stellaris Soundtrack

Ancient Relics may not be as massively game-changing as otherexpansions such as the AI-focused Synthetic Dawn or thetrade-themed MegaCorp, but it still offers up new surprises andevents to expand the game.

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System requirements