X4 Foundations Ship List

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About This Content X4: Split Vendetta is the next chapter in the X4: Foundations story. This is the first big expansion for X4, greatly increasing the size of the universe and introducing two new Split family clans along with their economy, new ships, weapons and station modules. Along with the Update 3.0 to X4: Foundations, the X4: Split Vendetta expansion brings exciting new missions. A wharf station is defined by its x4 foundations ship building modules that allow in case you have the respective ships and equipment blueprints to build small and medium ships. In case you already know how in x4 foundations buy a new ship you will be able to do the same with your own station. There are many different types of ships in X4 Foundations. See full list The type of ships that are available for purchase to the player: Couriers (work in progress), Fighters (work in progress), Gunboats (work in progress), Heavy Fighters (work in progress), Miners (work in progress), Scouts. Mar 10, 2019 X4: Foundations - Comparing the Ships' size with mod battleship included. After few hours I made it, ships alignment one by one. Hope will be helpful too.


Dec 2, 2018

What is AutoMine? Well if your struggling on how to get your Miners to Mine Resources and sell them. This is your guide. Its actually very easy, and you only need one comman to do it. Its Called AutoMine.

X4 Ships Wiki

Other X4 Guides:
  • Gameplay Tips.
  • FAQ / How To.
  • How to Get Unlimited Money (Cheat).
  • Docking Made Easy.
  • How to Hack Data Vaults.
  • Crystal Mining Guide.
  • Sector Map.

How to Set Up Auto Miners

So my first miner set up in argon prime is working flawless. Already made me 250000 in 4 runs.
All you need to do is:
  • Goto Map view (M Key), Than Property owned Tab. Select your Mining vessel and right click, than select infomation.

  • Two tabs show up. Information and Behavior. Go to Behavior tab.

  • Go to middle of Behavior Tab and select Defualt behavior. Choose AutoMine. Automine will Automatically choose where to mine, and where to sell. Nothing else needs to be done. The captain will take care of the rest! Read below for extra importtant stuff.

  • Below this you have two choices Gate Distance and Wares.

Wares allows you to select which Ores your Captain will grab. Select which one you want this vessel to mine. You can do up to three I belive.
For the gate Distance thats pretty simple. how many jumps do you want the AI to go to sell its Ores onces filled? Keep in mind the farther he has to go, the longer it takes to make money!
  • When all done Select Confirm to make all the changes Stick.

  • Your pilot will wait for you to contact him to start his mission. Comm him and select option for him to start. And your done. He will go off and make you money passively. You can do whatever you want now. Good luck.

Tips and Tricks

  • Your pilot will sometimes wait with a full load for a few minutes. He is looking for somewhere to sell his Ores.

  • Having Satellites around all local Stations will help speed this up. If you don't have satellites he will eventually find something. But it will take forever. But yeah satellites are key to fast service.

  • Do not follow your AI pilot and watch him work. The AI while being rendered is garbage and he will crash into things and all kinds of strange things. Basically making the whole process extremely long. Try to be OOS (out of system).

Vessel Set Up

Of course to mine you need a vessel. You can buy good mining vessel Medium size at a Warf. Warfs sell Small Vessels and Medium Vessels.
  • You only need 1 Mining laser on your vessel.

  • If you have turrets use those for Defense Guns. Your foward facing guns can be used for mining and you will be all set.

  • Do you need crew? If your vessel is attacked and survives they will help with repairs and I believe give a bonus for turrets.

  • Faster your vessel the quicker it will go back and forth from Mining and Selling.

  • So far the best medium miner is the Argon Drill. (thats the name of the ship Drill) Both Argon Miners are known to work correctly. Some of the other miners for the other races have been reported to have problems with selecting them as Autominers.

  • When buying your ship manually make sure you select captain. You need a captain on your ship to automine.

  • All the software you need is bought and included in game. You can't really mess it up, the game won't let you purchase the ship without the software requirments. There is no Mining Software to buy its included in the ship. Thats why its called a Mining vessel!

  • You have to buy a ship that is a mining vessel. Regular transports won't do it. (they don't have the built in software. They have the built in TradeWare)

  • Large miners have the benifit of having larger cargo holds. So they gather more ores in a single run. Meaning they will give you more money when the Captain turns in his haul.

  • Large miners have the negative effect of being so large they might get stuck! Don't be in sector with them!

  • Large miner have the positive benifit that they are much more powerful than mediums and will survive pirate attacks a lot better. But they are much more expensive!

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  • All X4 Foundations Guides!

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Nov 30, 2018

Stuff a new player has figured out along the way.
Other X4 Guides:
  • How to Get Unlimited Money (Cheat).
  • How to Hack Data Vaults.
  • How to AutoMine.
  • Crystal Mining Guide.
  • Docking Made Easy.
  • FAQ / How To.
  • Sector Map.

More X4 Foundations Ship List Images

Tips and Tricks

This is just a list of some stuff I figured out for myself while playing, and both want to remember for myself, and figured might help some other people.
  • To access the in-game Tutorials, hit H. Do the tutorials, seriously.

  • There is a specific travel mode, for travelling (hit shift-1, among other ways, to activate it). There is also a scan mode, which seems to be for finding secrets and stuff (shift-2), and a long range scan mode, which seems to be for finding things like stations and secret lockboxes. (shift-3)

  • While wandering around stations, it's possible to find traders who are in buildings at the docks with a large shopping cart hologram above them. You can buy crafting items from them, such as needles and bandages, and craft medkits. This turns a really good profit, at least for me as I start out.

  • There's a sort of interplanetary superhighway - these long blue ribbons you can kind of see on the map, and in space. If you fly near one, then lower yourself down (using the s key), you can lock onto it and race around at very high speed. This is awesome. It's possible to speed up slightly with x and slow down a bit with Z, so you can overtake traffic.

  • Manually docking the first time was confusing as hell. Not only must you follow the easy to see green lines to the docking zone, you need to line yourself up with your pad. This is best done by looking for a hologram. You need to roll (tilt side to side with q and e), align the front of your starship (hold mouse1 and turn to face), and get yourself lined up with the centre of the pad (z and x to put throttle backward and forward, or mousewheel also works), then hit s to go down and land.

  • Remember that hitting boost (tab) drains your shields. It also drains your opponent's shields, so consider making an effort to chase them down if they've just boosted away.

  • To get missions you have to use the map screen, you don't talk to people on a station. There is a tutorial for this. It details some requirements for accessing plot missions (level 10+ in a faction, for example, but I can't confirm this.)

  • Sometimes you will overhear police radio type stuff. If a tiny ship gets marked as an enemy, for whatever reason, it seems to be safe to shoot it. You get a small bounty and a small boost to relations with the local faction.

  • I think I found some space landmines! They showed up on longscan as a field of ?s, and when I got close I couldn't target them. But by running into them my ship exploded. They looked like yellow glows which I was hoping were some kind of valuable space mystery.

  • Longscanning and scanning can be used to find secret stuff. On longscan, look out for purple pings in the world (not on the map) which are invisible to radar.

  • When trying to hire people on a station, click the ship you want to add them to, then right click it and click 'select' in the popup menu. You can then assign them a role in the right hand hire dialogue menu.

  • To sell a ship, Open the map then select the ship you want to sell, then right click on a shipyard or warf and select sell ship in the drop down.

  • You can use the number keys, 1-4 and 5-8, to switch weapon groups on primary and secondary weapon toggles. I like leaving 2 empty, so I can be sure not to accidentally shoot at civilians when in crowded space.

  • How to sprint / run on stations? Double-tap the W-key.

  • If you right click an object on the map, you can select 'start guidance to object', which will lock it in yellow brackets. This means that if you switch on your autopilot, either in the ship interactions menu or by hitting shift-A, your ship will autopilot to the vicinity. Remember to turn on travel mode when necessary (Shift-1) and be aware your ship will NOT dock, or even necessarily slow down, when approaching that object. To be automatically flown around more easily, it's better to get a pilot or captain, get up from the command chair (Ctrl-D or get up in the interaction menu), and give orders to the ship you're in on the map interface. (Left click it, then right click where you want to go for a context menu).

  • If you've heard something about the strange acronym 'PHQ', or are interested in nefarious plots, a great start would be to do the ship modes tutorial and learn how to use scan mode (shift-2). You may encounter someone who needs your help by following up on a data leak signal near a station shortly after completing this tutorial, and your first steps to PHQ might be someone you find saying 'Please Help Quick'.

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